What is Love

Some say you don’t truly know the meaning of unconditional love until you have a child.  I would claim that to be true – but not just love for my child.  Love in general.  Having a baby has made me appreciate my husband and love him more than I thought possible.  (Hey – you can’t get closer to anyone than you do during labor and delivery – that.is.FACT.)  Not to mention my parents – or any parents out there – feeling the indescribable joy and love for my baby only reminded me that this is the love my parents have been telling me they have for me all along – and now I get it.  And whoa- that’s a whole lotta love.  And that’s why I sat in front of my 3-day-old baby girl in her swing the day we brought her home and wept – in front of my whole family – happy tears because WOW – I am so lucky to be loved so much by so many people.  And to have a husband that (thinks he) loves me as much as my mom and dad and shares in the everyday bliss that is being a parent thus far – well, that’s just icing on the cake.

And because I’m a photographer and because Valentine’s day really snuck up on me and I needed a photo for my daily project  (and then, and then?) – I did a little photo shoot with the person who has taught me what love really is.  So to all those people out there who ever told me you love me – and you know who you are – I love you all THIS much, too.  Happy Valentine’s Day.

And just one hilarious outtake – yes, my sweet Cam.  Sometimes love is scary.  But so very worth it because YOU are the result.  xoxo, mom

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