46/365 | That Time I Took Selfies

I’m constantly challenging myself and learning new things in this crazy, addictive world that is photography.  I am currently enrolled in a very sought-after course with ClickinMoms and and the creative push has really lit a fire under me to try new things…even things that leave me completely vulnerable and are a step out of my super-modest comfort zone.

There’s only so much I can do day after day, hour after hour to practice with certain types of light with a very mobile, very “nah, I don’t think so” toddler.  So today, I had to use myself as the subject.  And it was weird.  And awkward…especially that time that I tried to make myself laugh at, well, myself.  And I crossed my fingers that my husband wouldn’t sneak up from his downstairs office to find me out.

And unfortunately…I don’t have any other pictures from today to stand in, so here goes nothin’…please don’t judge me.


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