Us | Atlanta Lifestyle Photographer

I’m having technical difficulties today and while Adobe “remedies” my situation that is having a serious impact on my workflow (insert hair-pulling-out-emoticon-here), I thought I would go ahead and share a personal post today.

Back in the fall, we had the pleasure of taking our turn in front of the lens to document how our family has changed since the last time we had photos taken right after Camryn’s birth.  The wonderfully talented Jenny Lauren Photography photographed our family on a breezy fall day and I am so glad she did!  Like with any other family photo session, our toddler was in rare form that afternoon and had to be woken from her late nap to get ready for pictures (never a happy ending there!)  Despite the ‘tude, I love what Jenny was able to deliver for us and can’t wait to get these into a proper gallery in my home.  In the meantime, I love walking past the few I have framed and seeing the joy on our faces.  It’s not like that around here all the time, but those short moments of happiness get us through all the rest of the looooong moments (ahem, tantrums anyone?)

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